Shalini Kantayya : Made it to the Top 5 in "On The Lot"

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As a first generation Indian American, She grew up straddling traditions, languages, and cultures. Her mother raised her as a single-parent, and she learned quickly about hard work, determination, and tenacity. When she was nineteen, She visited a Buddhist monastery in South India, and knew there were experiences that she could not describe in words. She fell madly in love with visual images and began to see the world in a new way. After college, a year later, She quit her job, charged a video camera, and took off across the Caribbean and West Africa to make a documentary. For years, She slaved at every post-production house in New York City and would do ANYTHING to learn her craft. In ten years of living between the NYC indie film industry and Bollywood, She has filmed a Bengal tiger in the wild, interviewed His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, and made hip hop videos in the depths of Brooklyn. There is nowhere She wouldn't go, no mountain She wouldn't climb, in pursuit of a compelling story.

Here are two of her stories:

Dr. in Law

First Sight - Morality needs to be checked!!!

My view: Shalini is an amazing person and a more sensual director after a film like Dr. in law she gave a movie that was so emotionally and spiritually shot hats off to her , its a shame that was her last video on the show.

What do you guys/gals think about Shalini do leave a comment
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